Our Aim

Success and failure are never counted. It is the courage that counts. This is what our mission is because someone has rightly said, “Though no one can go back and make a new start, everyone can start from now and make a new beginning with a positive ending.” Keeping these words in mind we have set our mission. Our school not only preaches this motto which means ‘A sound mind in a sound body’ but also implement into practice.
Because we realize that education is not only considered as a process of imparting material knowledge but also a means for the all-round growth and development including social attitude and personal relation. An education system would be successful only if it can associate with the main stream components related to the academic and other cultural activities which can nurture social awareness and develop self appreciation.
These may be a lot of talents and abilities hidden inside each person and identifying these, is very important to channelize his/her development in the right direction. So let us understand the actual aim of education and try to impart and receive the best out of it and be proud of the fact that we are educationists.
Therefore, we feel proud saying “To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream; not only plan but also believe.” Our school is already a thriving school. We face a challenge of making better things, the best. The priority areas are total quality development.
The children of our school participate in all aspects of culture that represent the youth. All our school activities are education based. We encourage originality in child’s work. Education is a continuous life process. We inspire our students to be culturally refined, emotionally stable, ethically sound and mentally and spiritually upright. We want children to become good citizens, good artisans and good friends.
Our education system is capable enough to mould into the young minds the right values and the sense of discretion to overcome conflicts and to proceed with utmost courage and dedication.
If any of the above mentioned goals remain unachieved there is no meaning in saying that one’s education is successful because: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”


Contact Us

APS PUBLIC SCHOOL, Kalyanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Ph: 1234567890, 0987654321